The idle hour – Creation 2026

He never stops. He knows full well that if he did, the hamster in his head would take over, start
crawling, running, spinning. Keeping the agitation at bay, letting blissful ignorance prevail. Doing everything to prevent this storm from drowning his soul.

The Idle Hour is a thought-provoking, non-verbal performance that explores the relentless pursuit of productivity in modern society. Set against a stark stage with a human-sized hamster wheel, the piece features two acrobats whose contrasting personalities —one frantic and the other calm— unfold through a series of physical interactions. The wheel becomes both a symbol and an instrument of their existential struggle: a metaphor for the endless race toward an elusive happiness. Through a fusion of acrobatics, dance, and sound, the performance invites the audience to reflect on the pressures of modern life, the search for meaning, and the potential for peace amidst chaos.


Two performers and one technician
Location: Indoor and outdoor
Duration: 60 minutes
Language : Movement-based (no words)
Capacity: up to 500 audience members
Age: 8+
Audience : Bi-frontal or frontal

Contact us for the detailed technical rider

Cast and crew

Concept, Sound Creation, and Direction: Samuel Rhyner
Performance: Samuel Rhyner and William Blenkin
External Eye: Luuk Brantjes, Britt Timmermans
Musical Advice: Pierrick Bacher
Set Design Construction: Arjan Kruidthof
Choreographic Advice: Pia Meuthen
Costume Advice: Menno Boerdam
Lighting Creation: Eligio Membrez
Photography: Lily Schlinker
Videos: (in progress)
Technician: Jef Delva
Administration: Melanie Lamon
Production: Motus murmuri

Partners or the project 

With the support of the Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA) and ProCirque, pour-cent culturel Migros (CH)

Coproductions : Miramiro (Gent, BE)

Artistic residencies : Miramiro (Gent, BE), Panama pictures (’s Hertogenbosch, NL), Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof (Dommelhof, BE), Korzo (Den Haag, NL), Cirklabo (Leuven, BE), Espace Parallèle (CH)

Help with the international distribution : Buro Piket